June 2011

Game Concept to Apple Store in a Month

June 17, 2011 by

No sleep till Casual Connect!  We decided to put our long term projects on hold to tackle a simple game with a short timeline.  With Seattle’s Casual Connect quickly approaching, it makes for a perfect deadline to meet.

We roughed out some ideas and concept art over the weekend and jumped into production yesterday.  I’m very excited to share our direction but will need to stay tight-lipped at least until we submit it to Apple.  Until then, all hands on deck.  Even Dan is diving in from his vacation in Hawaii, now that takes dedication!


For us to have the game in Apple’s store by July 19th, we have decided to shoot to submit it by July 5th, giving us roughly 3 weeks of production.

In the immortal words of Leeroy Jenkins:

“Thumbs up. Lets do this!”

Labs: XCode Detective Work

June 13, 2011 by

Taking the magic out of compilation gives me a lot of peace of mind. Sometimes there can be some really confusing behavior when it comes to static libraries. Its important to use the tools XCode gives you to get clues to solve your problems. Verifying the steps XCode is taking to create your application provides a much deeper understanding of the compilation process. Here are some tips to help out with linking, build products, and static libraries.

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Labs: XCode Static Library Pitfalls

June 10, 2011 by

Much, much, much has been written on the various processes available to get static libraries to function in XCode. But somehow, these all seemed to have problems for me, in many different ways. In my journey to getting static libraries working I tried all kinds of weird things, and in the end, I think I have something that functions as expected. I have created a sample workspace that illustrates how to set up an ios and osx application that each use two versions of a static library. This entry details the hoops jumped through, and gotchas to avoid.

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